Saturday, June 13, 2009


Payton and Treyson were in the freedom festival baby contest. Micah's mom has this tradition of taking her kids to this baby contest. So we took Payton last year and she won second place. This year Treyson won second place and well Payton had way to much competition. Of course I think she should have won but I could be a little unfair. Anyway here are some Pictures of them. Payton had so much fun in the playroom there. So if you ever want to occupy your kids, take some packing foam and put it in a swimming pool Payton loved this. She played there for about an hour. This is an amazing amount of time for Payton, she usually doesn't play with anything for more than 5 minutes. I love this kid!!!

She looks so focused I love this picture.

There is trey trey sooo cute I love you buddy!!!!

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