We Put up our Christmas tree on Monday for family home evening. It was really fun with the kids. We were a little scared of what might happen due to the nature of our monkey son. So far our fear of him pulling the tree over on himself has not happened but he is being watched very carefully.( He did recently did pull over Payton's dresser on himself twice trying to climb up it). We did Great with the tree until we got to the ornaments. I luckily had thought ahead of time and got some unbreakable ornament balls. However that does not really help if they don't stay on the tree. What happened was Payton was busily trying to rearrange the balls for probably 2 hours while Treyson took them off and threw them around the room. It continued this morning as soon as Treyson woke up so needless to say we now have a ornamentless Christmas tree and I am fine with it. Here are some cute pictures of the kids with the tree. There are also some Pictures of the kids at the end in their rain coats. I figured they could use them since it has been raining pretty much everyday this month. P. S I am getting Christmas Card Ready so send me your address if you want one.
Treyson carrying his part of the tree
Payton Carrying her part of the tree
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Every Year around Thanksgiving I feel the need to be thankful for things imagine that. I am truly a blessed person and have so many good people and things in my life. Our family has truly been blessed this year with Micah getting excepted to CRNA School in Oregon. Although it continues to be a hard adjustment for me being so far away from everyone I think it is helping our family be closer. I Keep teasing Micah that he has a girlfriend because he is gone so much studying and today I asked him what he was going to do about his girlfriend during Christmas break when he didn't have the excuse to go study. He told me " I guess I will have to dump her." I am truly blessed to have a husband who loves me for who I am. He is a great father and he loves the gospel. I blessed to have two beautiful children in my life that I love and adore. Some how they wear me out everyday and the next day I can't wait to see their smiling faces. I am greatful for my family and Micah's family but most of all I am greatful for our heavenly father and Jesus Christ who have blessed our lives so much. I have seen there blessings so much as we have went through this big transition. I found a job so quickly and have been able to adjust to nights a lot better than I thought was possible. I pray that as the Christmas Season roles around and the next years comes to play that we will all take a minute to remember Why we are here and Thank our heavenly father and Jesus Christ. We are so excited to be able to come home for Christmas and see everyone. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Taylor and Megans Wedding
We Were able to go back to Utah to see Micah's brother Taylor get married. I was really excited to go home and see all of the family and friends in Northern Utah. The Kids and I flew in on Wednesday so we could spend some extra time with people. I have to admit it was rough with Treyson on the plane. Then to top it all off the plane had to circle the airport several times and We were on the plane at least an extra half an hour which seemed like nine years but we made it. We were able to see and stay with Micah's family. We miss them soo much. We also had the privilege of having Aunt T come up to see us and stay for a couple of days. Thanks Aunt T for taking time away to visit. Tiff also took some days off work which meant a lot and we were able to spend a lot of time together. The wedding was great and we are so happy for Taylor. the kids got to wear cute little outfits that Grandma Jana had for them. Even though it made me realized how much I missed everyone being so close I am greatful for the trip Thanks Rick and Jana for helping us with flying there we are so greatful. We look forward to being able to see all our family in December for Christmas.
Taylor and Megan outside the Draper Temple
Treyson at the temple it was soooo cold
Here are Some Pictures of the kids on Halloween. Payton was a Bee and Treyson was himself a monkey I know it fits him well. We went to a trunk or treat on saturday night at the Church it was fun and we were glad the church held something on saturday for all us LDS people in Oregon. Its kind of funny because I didn't even think about it but people in Oregon don't Change Halloween to Saturday When it falls on a Sunday.
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