Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Coast and Three new posts keep going on!!!

We went to Seaside Oregon on the coast for our anniversary. We took the kids and stayed at a hotel right on the beach it was so pretty and so fun. I didn't get many pictures of Payton because she was cold and didn't want to have much to do with the water but Treyson of course was wanting to run in the freezing cold ocean water and would have been totally soaked if I would have let him. Micah did get some kites for the kids and we flew those at the beach. We then came home on Saturday and had Payton's Birthday party. I wanted to post her party for her special day that is why these posts are out of order. I love the picture below of Treyson it almost looks like he is walking on water. We had so much fun and I don't want Micah's week vacation to end but it is back to the routine tommorow term three and 21 months to go. Trey helping with the kites The view from the hotel room off our balcony
Trey on the beach
My favorite pic Trey walking on water
Throwing Rocks his favorite thing
Riding the Carousel in SeaSide
Trey listening to the ocean in the sea shell
Payton and her MerShells(sea shells)
Payton in her bed at the hotel
Treyson trying to wrestle Payton in the hotel
Swings on the beach soooo cool

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