My Cousin Jessica got married on Oct 29th in St. George. I was able to fly down by myself to the wedding and join in on the festivities. It was great. Jessica is pretty much like my sister even though we are just cousins so I was really excited to share her special moments in the temple and her wedding ceremony with her. Her are some pictures that I took of the bachelorette party and wedding. I was also able to spend sometime with family which is always great. I am so proud of her and Erick for making good decisions in their lives to this point. I know they will succeed in marriage and in life. I love you guys congrats.

All the girls at the Bachelorette party and Pizza Factory

Me and my Grandma This women is amazing

Two of the best women I know my Mom and Sister

Guess who being crazy T and Jess

Tori and I my other sister!!!

Mom, Grandma and Aunt Kristine. These ladies make things happen in our family

The Never on Sundae at Pizza factory which consists of a warm cookie Ice cream, Fudge, caramel and Whip Cream this is Jess's favorite dessert

Bowling after dinner we made Jess wear a garbage bag for a veil

Daniel, Chase, T and Me this boys are the best cousins anyone could ask for

Harper So Cute outside the temple

Daniel with Harper. She fell in love with him and was his little buddy

waiting outside the temple
Dustin, Chase, Tara, Krystle


Jess and I outside the temple

Grandma, Uncle Scott, and Dad

All the cousins minus Randy plus Robyn and Kaylee they were standing in for Robyn

The Girls

My family

Jessica couldn't breathe in her wedding dress I know the feeling

she also wore cowboy boots under her wedding dress silly girl

Chase and Harper

Jocelyn so cute

Ring Ceremony

Me and Jackson

Kaleb's first dance with Tori sooo cute

Kenny dancing with Harper

Scott with Kaylee dancing