Our family this year had Christmas Three times. Yes that is what I said Three times. We started out by having an early Christmas with Micah's family on the Saturday before Christmas. We started out this day by going to the movie The Christmas Carol with Grandpa Rick and Stephen, while Grandma Jana stayed home and watched Treyson. This movie I thought Payton would like but it turns out it was kind of scarey and not really a kids movie, but she did really good anyway. We then went back to "nana and Pamp pa" house and ate and opened presents. Payton and Treyson got a lot of clothes and toys. Paytons favorite toy there was a microphone that sings the Little Mermaid Song "Under The Sea" She sings with it all the time and it is really cute. Treyson of course just ran around putting things in his mouth and trying to go up the stairs. Micah got the Wii sports resort game from his Dad and Mom and I got some badly needed new scrubs and some other cute clothes. We also got a few gift certificates to the movies and chili's from Micahs side of the family. These are the best kind of gifts for me because it means I don't have to cook. Lets not forget Stephen he got us the Super Mario Brothers Wii Game it is a lot of fun. Thanks everyone!!!!
Christmas #2
This was Christmas at our house Santa came before we left to go down to Mesquite for my families Christmas He brought Payton a Dolly that has a high chair, Stroller and crib with it. Treyson got a leap frog learning table that both kids really liked. They also got some legos and Payon got a lot of Dora the Explorer stuff she liked. It was really nice to have Christmas as a family. Micah Got me the Guitar Hero 5. I for some reason love this and a digital scrapbooking program I am excited to start that. Micah got a snowboarding pass to sundance and some snowboarding stuff for Christmas. We then got everything packed up and headed down to my family where we had a lot of fun.
Christmas #3This Christmas was at my families. We started out by having our annual Christmas eve Get together. We always eat and the open one gift from Grandma and Grandpa Sullivan. This year I thought was special. My Aunt and Uncle had the missionaries over to have dinner with us. They even got a present to open with us. They then shared a spiritual thought with the family and left us all with a prayer blessing my Grandpa Dee who will have left us two years ago on the 28th this year. I really felt the spirit and I was really excited to have this happen.
On Christmas Day we got up early and opened presents at my parents house with Aunt "T" and the kids. Payton was helping everyone with the stocking and then she got sick of it so she said "all done and went on her way. She There got a leap frog book system and a v tech laptop. She however wanted to play on the car the Treyson got and was having a little BBS( butt baby syndrome). This is what Micah calls her little fits. We Then went over to My Aunt and Uncle Scott and Kristines house to open Presents from Grandma Dianne. This is a tradition That we have to all get together at one of the houses and open presents and hang out pretty much all day. While we were there we went to the park with the kids and just enjoyed each others company. It would also not be a family function with Tara my sister getting torched by Randy our cousin and everyone else. I swear she has the words torcher me painted on her forehead. This Christmas him and Tori decided to tape her arms and legs together. My aunt Kristine and Kaylee 4 eventually intervened. They were in bathroom painting nails.

Treyson eating a Christmas sugar cookie I thought since it was his first Christmas he should be able to have some fun.

Picture of Payton and her cousin Kaylee. She had fun playing with Kaylee since she is the only cousin that really close and close to her age.

This is My Aunt Krisitine with Zach there chihuahua. Even though she looks crazy and sometimes she is she did a really good job with Christmas thanks!

Payton opening her presents and our extended Sullivan family Christmas

This is the Car that Treyson got from grandpa and grandma Sullivan. He and Payton are having a lot of fun on it.

Treyson climbing on all of his presents at Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dayton's

Payton helping everyone with opening their stockings

Payton and I

This is one of the elders that came over opening his present

Jessica opening her presents while recovering from pneumonia glad your feeling better Jess

Of Course Tori being her usual self Crazy

Treyson opening his book at family Christmas