Things I Remember about my Grandpa Dee
1. I remember going Pig farming with him. He would pick me up everyday at 7am on the dot. The first thing that we would do would be to go pick up the left over food from the restaurants to feed to the pigs. We called this "Slop." We would then go and feed the pigs. From there it was anything from riding horse's, fixing apartments or mowing lawns. My Grandpa had to be doing something or he would go crazy. When he got sick the family had to threaten him to get him to stop doing things he was not supposed to be doing.
2. He was always giving to someone. Whether it was to his family or a stranger on the street there was always someone he was helping.
3. He loved his court tv shows and going to the park with his dog charlie.
4. Most of all he loved my Grandma more than anyone I know. When he was in the hospital he would have us bring a picture of her so that he could look at her all the time. He had this huge picture up in his living room just of her. He thought she walked on water and well she probably does in a lot of peoples eyes.

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