Friday, September 4, 2009

Just an update!!!

So it has been a little while since I updated. here are a few cute pics that i have taken. Treyson gets more interactive each day and it is soo fun. Payton is doing pretty good at potty training i am so glad she is not fighting me so hard anymore. Treyson can now sit for a little bit before falling over. Micah is in his last semester of school and well as for me I am being a Mom and working about the same stuff. I am sad to see summer come to an end but am excited to put all of Treyson new cute winter clothes on him. That is really the only thing I like about winter!!! These two pictures our of Payton helping her brother with the books it was so cute.
Treyson sitting at 6months

one of Treyson's favorite things to do is to pull sasha's hair she is so mello she just sits there and lets him do it.

These pics below are of Payton and micah's work party. She found a little girl to play with and by the end she was covered in dirt.

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